Worked on Visual/UI Design for a portion of 
Pocket Gems game app called "Episode"
With their web site re-design finished for there "Episode" Game franchise, the app that housed its many series needed a refresh. The project was an exploration in navigation and adding the new brand feel and look. But also included bringing in UI and design patterns to make a more cohesive look and feel across the 2 different touch-points.
Based on the “Episode” in game experience, i realized early on that most of the users experience was happening mainly through thumb gestures. Many study on the subject have shown how a large amount of users use their thumb to navigate through apps. 
But once out of the game portion, the app lost its continuity in thumb gesture experience, putting it at odds with the app experience as a hole. Hence my deliberate change in there hamburger navigation bringing it from the top left to the bottom center. Making the experience flow more comfortable for the user.

The left right arrows on the second screen lets the user flip between series tittles without ever going back to the browsing section.
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